Design standard:
ASME B16.34
PED 97/23/EC
Fire-safe: API 607, ISO 10497
Oxygen Service: ASTM G124, BAM, EIGA
FE (Fugitive emission): ISO 15848, TA LUFT VDI/VDE 2440
ISO 9001
Anti-static: DIN EN ISO 17292
Shell : SPP 77/300 - CG Spec (Slag sluice systems)
Brazil: NBR 15847
Cryogenic: BS 6364, SPE 77/306
Main Features
1. Long, maintenance-free, safe operation in automated on-off and control service assured by spring-loaded stem seal packing
2. Increased plant and personnel safety via blowout-proof stem and high-torque transmission with minimum mechanical backlash
3. Broad application versatility enabled by extensive size range and options, including fire-safe tested versions
4. High performance enabled by direct actuator mounting capabilities of the Turnex actuator
5. Excellent control, noise reduction and cavitation enabled by unique Z-trim option
6. Easy installation and replacement as a result of the off-center joint face of the valve body
Size Range:
DN25 to 400
NPS 1 to 16
Pressure Class Range:
PN 10-40
Class 150 to 300
Seating Material: Metal Soft